Sam's Story
Sam's Story
American Classics Snack Company was inspired by and is dedicated to a young man that lived every day with a smile on his face. Anyone that had the pleasure of meeting Sammy knew that when you were around him you just felt better!
Shortly after Sam was born in 1992 he began to have epileptic seizures. Over time, the seizures resulted in Sam having developmental delays that affected his ability to learn about certain things in life. However, the seizures didn't affect his ability to live life to its fullest, love more than most, and bring joy to everyone he came in contact with. Sam's smile was a gift.
Sam passed away in his sleep at 19 years old. American Classics Snack Co. was developed to honor our son by producing the finest savory popcorn in America and providing a portion of the profit from each bag to a scholarship that will help fund the education of a high school senior determined to pursue a career in Special Education.
Sam loved his teachers, his class mates, and his friends at school. As his parents, we saw firsthand the impact that a devoted teacher could have on a child with special needs. We know Sam is smiling at the idea of Mom and Dad helping to create more great teachers. We will do it by making the best popcorn you have ever tasted and selling as much of it as possible throughout the United States and the World.
Thank you for your support,
Bob and Patty, Sam's Dad and Mom